Ever worried about losing your key? The Keyper can be your savior! As a team of college students, we see the importance of proving our product’s value to our customers. The Keyper is not just an accessory for college kids; it’s a lifesaver for younger students and parents. We wanted our Keyper Community to tell you for themselves how the Keyper has affected their lives from the back of their phones.

“It’s an investment you won’t regret, along with the reassurance that your kids have made it home safely,” says Susan, who is a working mother of three. Susan has always struggled to coordinate her family’s schedules to ensure that someone will be home to let her children inside the house at the end of the school day. After buying all three of her children Keypers, her stress of lost or forgotten keys has vanished!

Kelsey, a Junior at Tulane University, told us why she became a part of the Keyper community: “Seven out of eight of my suitemates lost their keys within the first semester of returning to campus. I could not handle having to constantly run back home to let them in our suite when they forgot or lost their keys. Eventually, they all bought Keypers and never lost their keys for the rest of the year!” The Keyper will simplify your life and others’ too!
Jane, also a mother of three, explained her experience moving in her oldest for his freshman year of college: “There is endless chaos during Freshman year move-in. I was already a mess driving home from moving in my oldest, and it wasn’t until I got a phone call within an hour of leaving that he had lost his key. I panicked for fear that he couldn’t get into his room and of the $100 charge that I would receive. Then I found the Keyper, and I never had to worry about a lost key or charge again.” Save yourself from unnecessary stress and overpriced charges from lost keys with a Keyper!

Olivia is one of our Junior Keyper Ambassadors from the University of Florida. She explained her experience working with Keyper: “I love being a Keyper ambassador because it allows me to spread the word about a product that has truly helped me throughout my college experience.” The Keyper Community and team have complete trust in the product and have seen the direct positive impact that the Keyper has.
The Keyper team loves nothing more than hearing someone exclaim, “That is genius! I need one of those,” while we walk around our campuses with a Keyper stuck to the back of our phones. Who would’ve thought that a phone wallet could be so life-changing? We did! And, all we know is, once you have a Keyper, you never go back!
These can surely save the cost of spending money on locksmith experts as it's the best way to keep your keys safe.